Monday 17 March 2014


The Definitive Edition of FELIX HOLT, THE RADICAL 
-Illustrated with beautiful vintage illustrations 
-Complete, unabridged, and formatted for kindle to improve your reading experience 
-Linked table of contents to reach your chapter quickly 

“Felix Holt is a surprising triumph for Eliot. For the first time, she engages fully with some of the deeper socio-political issues of her day and age. The plot is almost Dickensian in the amount of intrigue, scandal, and romance.” Kate 

“Finally, and most brilliantly, Felix Holt is a novel of sexual politics. The most interesting and most finely realized character in the novel is an older woman, the genteel Mrs. Transome. The daughter of an earl, her husband’s senility and her eldest son’s irresponsibility burden her with the responsibility for managing the Transome estates, a once magnificent inheritance now impoverished by prolonged litigation and overshadowed by half-remembered local scandals.” David Frum 

“I loved this book. George Eliot really is a master of her art. I didn't find it at all slow-paced or impenetrable. And I found the main characters admirable, even enlightening.” Eva 

“This is my favorite George Eliot, because of its wise insight into human nature and its strong characterizations. “ Sabrina 

FELIX HOLT is one of the most profound and engaging historical novels of all time. Presented in a beautiful edition specially designed for kindle, this is George Eliot’s masterpiece which will stay with you forever. 

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