Tuesday 25 March 2014

Classic Mystery THE RED THUMB MARK by R. Austin Freeman



THE RED THUMB MARK (A Dr Thorndyke Mystery)

The Definitive Edition of THE RED THUMB MARK

-Illustrated throughout with drawings and photographs to bring the story to life
-Complete, unabridged, and formatted for kindle to improve your reading experience
-Linked table of contents to reach your chapter quickly

“This man Austin Freeman is a wonderful performer. He has no equal in his genre.” Raymond Chandler

“This is the first Dr. Thorndyke novel, from 1907, one of the earliest forensics-based mysteries. A valuable shipment of diamonds goes missing from a safe, and a nice young man is put in the dock for it. As evidence mounts, a renowned forensics expert is called in to help with the defense. The writing is smooth, the obligatory love story not intrusive, the forensics solid and well-presented, and the characters of Dr. Thorndyke and Dr. Jervis are likable and seem real. Thorndyke is extremely Holmesian, withholding almost all information until the denouement, rationalized as being legal discretion, but still used for good effect at the end. The courtroom scene is wonderful. The net result is an enjoyable reminder of how life - and mysteries - used to be.” Abbey

“I wouldn't be surprised if the creators of the television shows "Columbo," "Quincy, M.E." and the various incarnations of "CSI" all, at some point earlier in their lives, read and fell in love with "The Red Thumb Mark." Reading for the first time R. Austin Freeman's detective novel, first published in 1907, is like discovering the wellspring of every subsequent book, film and television show in which a detective uses innovative scientific or medical techniques to solve a crime.” Daniel

“Mr. Freeman is a past-master of the gradual, cumulative art of mystifying. The facts he keeps casually mentioning become a maze of criminal cunning. At the moment of his own choosing he discloses a plan of admirable symmetry.” Times Literary Supplement

“As a craftsman in the more literary sense, Dr. Freeman presents an interesting anomaly. His narrative style is so often that of late-Victorian romanticism that it is not unusual to find him unconsciously classified in the Doyle period. Indeed, the domestic trappings of a typical Freeman tale bring to the fire-lit chambers in King's Bench Walk much the same mood of snugness and nostalgic bachelor bonhomie which is destined to bespeak Baker Street to the end of time. But in his pioneer insistence on the fair-play method, the creator of John Thorndyke, M.D., was a Modern before the Moderns. He was the true and undoubted 'parent' of the scientific detective story in the highest meaning of the phrase, and remains today the living dean of that form -- if not, indeed, of all detective story writers of whatever style or persuasion.” Haycraft, Murder for Pleasure

THE RED THUMB MARK features the classic detective novel by R. Austin Freeman in a specially designed edition for kindle. This mystery will delight and intrigue you. Read it as it’s meant to be read: complete and unabridged, and with drawings and photographs from the period. 

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